Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random Thoughts

I have so many random thoughts that run through my mind day and night with no rhyme or reason it's just stuff. Like tonight I was thinking (to my crazy self) those special moments, days, memories that hopefully most people are fortunate enough to be blessed with are gone in a blink of the eye. Can't somebody invent a slow down time machine and let me go back to a good time with a friend with a really good juicy conversation about nothing, the day Mr took his first steps or when they cut him out of my uterus and I saw him rushed by me on the way to NICU, or when my sweet little elderly WWII veteran hugged me and kissed my hand just like I was a fine lady back in the day (ok I'm romanticizing this moment but let me have it please), or the last time I saw my father before he passed and we hugged and told each other we loved one another......And then I stop and think, stop being selfish because time is fleeting, it is a thief and just because I've had some really great days, it does not justify me anything.

It use to drive me crazy when I was a teenager and Mom would always say "you're wishing your life away before you know it will be gone and you'll wish you had this time back" Of course I knew everything at that point in my life so I would do the expected eye roll with exasperation and say "sure Mom whatever you say." Well she was right and about a lot of other things but that's for later blogs. Tonight's round about at the Irish-Sicilian blooded home was the not so stellar performance Mr got on his English mid-term and the usual from me "you made WHAT??" followed by the usual explanations I've come to expect from Mr. Doesn't he understand the economy sucks, colleges are not cheap, I've not found that winning lottery ticket yet and Momma and Daddy Bear are not rolling in the dough to not to have to worry about college costs. It's only 3
years away now for us, wow I really do proscrinate so much. Anyway I am digressing here again.

I guess history really does repeat itself, teenagers are basically teenagers and parents are totally brain fried people who know nothing of this world and time once lost is truly gone. Kinda like looking back and kicking yourself and saying "why didn't I realize that sooner". These thoughts reminds me of a saying my Dad would always say to me "it all comes home to roost." Yes it does Dad and we better damn well savor those days.


  1. I remember many a day in high school sitting at those lab tables thinking I had the ticket to the Universe and everyone else was a dumbass...time is fleeting, but it's also a helluva an educator! If only I was as wise as I once thought...

  2. I absolutely agree with you on that one! I was one of the smart ass high school kids and thought I knew it all and oh how fabulous my life was going to be once I graduated, left home and off to college. I tell Mr all the time that being a "grown up" is not really all it's cracked up to be. Of course that too falls on deaf ears but maybe, just maybe a little bit of the advice gets thought I pray :)
